TBR Session Start:
Dec 25, 2024 2:00 PM
Domains Count:
Domains Analysis Status:
Domain |
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There are 78 english word domains. This one is the most popular in Google with 2,590,000 search results.
There are 21 french word domains. This one is the most popular in Google with 18,600 search results.
There are 1,807 domains composed of 2 english words. This one is the most popular in Google with 8,220 search results.
There are 231 domains composed of 2 french words. This one is the most popular in Google search with 2,280 results.
This is one of the shortest english word domain. There are 7 english word domains containing only 4 characters.
This is one of the shortest french word domain. There are 3 french word domains with only 4 characters.
This is one of the oldest domain. 2 domains has been online since 2000 according to archive.org
Google Page Rank 5. This is the domain with the highest Google Page Rank.
Highest Google search results: 2,590,000
Highest number of links in Google: 2,050,000,000
Highest number of indexed pages in Google: 13,800
There are 3 numeric domains in this session. This one if the most popular in Google with 8 search results.
For complete stats use the .ca TBR search engine...